2018 Update

Are artists allowed to hibernate? I hibernate. Sort of.

Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday seasons with their loved ones!

Here's a quick review on 2017 Flounder Days:


Resolutions of 2017:

(1) Publish comics twice a week

 HAHA. I was doing so well and then I tanked the last third of the year or so. One thing that made it really easy for me to slack was that I found out that not many people cared if I stayed on my schedule or updated twice a week - they just enjoyed my comics whenever they came out, which was great! It also made more lax on my schedule though. It was kind of like when I found out that Neopets never died no matter how sick and starving they were. Yeah, my Neopets didn't live great lives after that relevation. 

(2) Publish my comics on Webtoons

This didn't happen either :( The idea was that once I felt that my motivation and publish schedule stabilized, I would go the next level and release my comics out to the wild. But maybe they (and I) need a bit more time to incubate.


So that puts me at a whopping 0% success rate. I'm pretty sure that brings me close to average for the success rate for everyone else's New Year's resolutions, ha ha ha. 


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